Sunday, September 23, 2007

Six months

My six month appt:
15.2 pounds
26.5 inches
50% for everything
AND my first tooth just came through!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fall is here

Loving sweet potatoes!
Dad, why do you call me "mini-me"?

My first time to Buca's- I tried to keep one eye open the whole time but i was sleepy

Where are the pink squirrels, Jenny?

A visit with my step-great grandparents Maggie and AC

Badger Time!

I had a lot of fun playing in front of this mirror

I'm pretty sure the makers of this Baby Bjorn wouldn't approve

Checking out music on the Terrace- right next to our hotel

Enough of State Street already!

Camp Randall, here I come!

Mom and Dad (unknowingly) had seats next to their friend Jason,

who they haven't seen in 4+ years!
I'll just close my eyes for a few seconds- don't want to miss anything!

I made the 10:00 Milwaukee news!

Getting big

I officially like rice cereal

I would never sleep like this for mommy... just Grandma.

It's too bad I don't look ANYTHING like my dad, huh?