Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

In the Butterfly room at the Museum
Flowers for my mom and Grandma from my Aunt Jenna

Happy Monday

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May Day (sort of)

This looks fun...
OK, how do i get the money out?
My cousin Molly's 6th Birthday
My cousin Colin was dressed for the rainy day
I LOVE playing in the kitchen

Look what i can do by myself... Mom, why do you look so scared?

Great Grandparents

This was my Great Grandpa's chair from when he was my age!
I loved playing on it - and he even let me take it home...
After my chair routine, I needed a bottle
I like to put curlers in while i'm in the bathtub

I LOVE being outside

Fun days

Just hanging... (mostly my belly is)
Ouch- one of my friends got a little rough at daycare

Easter and more

Dresses are too confining!

Mommy shouldn't even share this one- I have to climb everything!

I've had too many ear infections...